US side with Russia in UN’s invasion resolutions in Ukraine

The US has twice mentioned Russia in votes in the UN to mark the third anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, emphasizing the change in the attitude of Trump’s administration in the war.

First, the two countries opposed the European resolution that condemned Moscow’s actions and supported the Ukrainian territorial integrity, adopted by the UN (UNGA) General Assembly in New York.

At that time, they supported the resolution made in the US at the UN Security Council, referring to the end of the conflict, but do not contain criticism of Russia.

The resolution of the Security Council was adopted, but two key US ally, the UK and France, were restrained in voting after their attempts to change the formulation were veto.

Competition resolution was filed as a French president Emmanuel Macron visited President Donald Trump at the White House In an attempt to address their sharp differences in relation to the war.

On Thursday, British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer will also visit a new American leader.

Trump’s White House compensated for the Transatlantic Union, drawing on the affection for Moscow and throwing suspicion of American long -term dedication to European security.

He sprayed on Monday on the 193-member UNGA floor, while US diplomats pushed their limited resolution to mourn the loss of life during “Russia-Ukraje’s conflict” and calling for a fast end.

European diplomats have filed a more detailed text, accusing Russia of full invasion and supporting Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“We need to confirm that aggression should be condemned and discredited and not rewarded,” said Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Marian Bets.

Unga members supported the European resolution of 93 votes, but, unusual, they did not refrain from now, but actually voted against it, along with Russia, Israel, North Korea, Sudan, Belarus, Hungarian and 11 other countries, with 65 restrained.

Unga also brought US resolution, but only after it was changed to include a language that supports Ukraine, which led to restraint now.

In the much more powerful UN Security Council, which has 15 members, an undeniable US resolution was adopted by 10 votes, and UK, France, Denmark, Greece and Slovenia restrained.

The US Acting Envoy, Dorothy Camille Shea, described the American resolution as a “simple historical statement … which is viewed, not backwards. The resolution focused on one simple idea: ending the war.”

Rarely is it so now that one clashes with its alleged European allies.

Ever since Russia attacked Ukraine three years ago, the security council died the power of Russia, one of its five permanent members, to veto on any resolution.

For this reason, Unga was the main forum for discussing the war, but its resolution is not legally binding on Member States, unlike those in the security council.

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