Per Drew Dietsch
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There are two sci-fi classics from the 1970s that have received more ripoffs and manicures than any other film from that decade. The first is obvious Star Wars and we’ve already covered which of those hacks you should see in the previous video, so check it out if you need more lasers and space battles in your life.
Because this time we’re covering that other sci-fi game from the 1970s, Stranger. A simple monster movie in space became a generational masterpiece that reshaped the future of both science fiction and horror in cinema. And since it was such a significant success, you know the movies will continue to be inspired and even directly copied Stranger off for decades to come.
So we decided to search the endless universe and even the depths of the oceans in search of the absolute cream of the xenomorph crop. I’m Drew Dietsch for Giant Freakin Robot and this is ranked top 10 Stranger copies actually worth your time.
10. Contamination (1980)

You know we had to include the ripoff maestros, the Italians, and we had many options to choose from. Heck, the Italians went so far as to make a movie actually called it alien 2! But we will include only one Italian Stranger knockoff and it has to be from our favorite Italian Star Wars fraud director, StarcrashOur very own Luigi Cozzi. This is it Contamination.
It will be released next year Stranger, Contamination brings evil alien eggs to Earth because it’s cheaper than building spaceship kits. Lots of fun, nasty effects and some cute ones like the olives used for the alien eggs or the creation of the giant Cyclops monster Contamination a prime example of the sweet delights of Italian ripoffs.
9. Lily CAT (1987)

Anime in the 1980s he got a lot of inspiration from Stranger. So much so that he came full circle with a short anime film for fans, Alien: Monday. But Lily THE CAT is the only one that almost enters the territory of full robbery.
Also taking its cues from John Carpenter Thing, Lily THE CAT is a simple and straightforward story about a spaceship crew terrorized by an evolving alien bacterium. Like most anime from the 80s, violence and meanness are skewed toward max. In less than 70 minutes, Lily THE CAT is a quick and concentrated hit Stranger false goodness.
8. Lifeforce (1985)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre director Tobe Hooper blends together Stranger and another movie we talked about on this channel, Quatermass and pitinto a bombastic and boobtastic blockbuster, Vitality.
Based on the novel Space vampires, Vitality gives a unique spin to the “abandoned spaceship discovery” riff by placing an alien vehicle in a cometary coma. Once the extraterrestrial wackiness arrives on Earth, you’re treated to some pretty amazing effects that are worth the entire existence of the movie.
7. Leviathan (1989)

In the late 80s, several films were quickly made in anticipation of another film being copied, Abyss. Of course, since Abyss they weren’t actually released yet, they also had to rip Stranger for their plots. And while I can certainly sing praises DeepStar sixthe best of them is George P. Cosmatos Leviathan.
With a surprisingly complete cast of hard-working actors, Leviathan conveys claustrophobic space horrors Stranger to the deep sea. If you like yours Stranger copies of wet and wild, be sure to take some time for them Leviathan.
6. Forbidden World (1982)

Much like the Italians, Roger Corman stole Stranger more times than we can count. But if there is one of his exploitative experiments that stands out in this arena, this has to be it Forbidden world.
You won’t find anything new here when it comes to the story, but Forbidden world plays hits with a lot of success. And it’s not even 80 minutes long, so this is another short and sweet effects fest that any die-hard B-movie fan should check off their bucket list.
5. Under water (2020)

Oh, you thought this was just going to be 80s movies? Not! Stranger is still a source of inspiration for filmmakers and Under water is an exciting modern example. It appeared in cinemas in 2020 and the audience immediately forgot about it. It’s their loss because when it comes to a big studio Stranger copies, Under water is the main winner.
Excellent production design, a propulsive script and some monster revelations make it Under water type science fiction horror that we rarely get out of Hollywood anymore. If this flew under your radar, do yourself a favor and check it out Under water. It’s only 95 minutes! Bless these Stranger movies and their reasonable showing times.
4. Event Horizon (1997)

Hey, I think we talked about this movie before! Seriously, you can watch our whole video about it Event horizonbut it’s worth noting that director Paul WS Anderson wasn’t shy about his creative influences Event horizonand Stranger is all over this movie.
Although in the end it leans more into Hellraiser of Strangeroverall production design Event horizon is directly influenced by Ridley Scott’s sci-fi technology Truck Driver. You want something more supernatural in yourself Stranger tribute? Event horizon is your ticket.
3. Deep Ascension (1998)

A ragtag crew of miscreants must deal with a seemingly abandoned ship and fall victim to a bizarre monster? No, you didn’t go back to boatyou have booked passage on Argonautics and the absolute blast that is Deep Rising.
Another blockbuster cast and effects Mummy director Stephen Sommers allows Deep Rising to be a pure popcorn delight that always entertains. If you can’t crack a smile during this movie, maybe you should check your pulse.
2. Pitch Black (2000)

He used to do nothing but Fast and furious movies, Vin Diesel he played the criminal Riddick in the Pitch blackone of the best sci-fi horror movies of the 2000s.
You have the usual Stranger story archetypes: somewhat misfit spaceship crew, strange planet, unknown alien monsters. It all works well, but throwing a villainous Riddick into the mix gives this some really special flavor. And the alien monsters are just awesome. I’ll watch this over any other Vin Diesel movie anytime. …Except maybe The iron giant.
1. Outland (1981)

Best Stranger A knockoff is actually a movie that you may never have seen or that you may associate with Stranger. Abroad is really a western in space with Sean Connery playing a law clerk in a mining colony where the illegal drug market flourishes. There is no alien monster here Abroad but the film’s setting, tone, and themes always made me claim that Abroad can be held in Stranger universe.
It’s also a legitimately great movie that most people have all but forgotten about. If you want to see a story that seems to belong with corporate scares Stranger, Abroad is a home run and that makes him number one Stranger forgery.
What are some of your favorites Stranger-inspired movies? Recommend us in the comments, we love movies like this! If you want more videos like this, be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel. And you can hear a more detailed discussion of some of these films by listening to the GenreVision podcast. We have full episodes Under water, Event horizonand Deep Rising.
I always thank you all for watching these videos at the end, but if you actually spent time with this entire list of movies that I personally love, a special thanks for being awesome. Take care and see you next time here on Giant Freakin Robot.