Roll Over Shakespeare: ChatGPT Is Here

Sitting in the center of Lincoln waiting for the curtain for Ayad Akhtar’s McNeal– Long -awaited theater production played by Robert Downey Jr. Chatgpt In a side role – I was thinking that dramatic players deal with implications of AI for more than a century. 1920 – Well, before Alan Turning designed his famous test even decades before the 1956 Summer Conference, which gave artificial intelligence name – wrote the Czech playwright named Karel Capek RUR – Universal Roboti -Rossum. Not only is it the first time that the word “robot” has been used, but Čapek can be qualified as the first AI Doommer, since his game has dramatized the Android uprising that has scored all of humanity except for one soul.

On Ploče in New York this winter was a small production of a black box entitled SilashiThe thinly concealed dramatization of the weekend in which the Non -profit Committee of the Openi gave Altman himself bootJust to see him returning after an employee’s rebellion.

None of these productions have pizzazz of dirty extravagance on Broadway – maybe we’ll buy tickets for the musical later where Altman and Elon Musk Have a dancing-but you both struggle with problems echoing in the Silicon Valley Conference Salams, a Congress hearing and late night drinking sessions at the Neurips annual conference. The artists behind these plays reveal a justified obsession so that superintelighteligent AI could influence – or take over – to a human creative process.

Silashi is the work of Matthew Gasde, a playwright and screenwriter whose works Zero on Zeitgeist. His previous plays included Dimes Squareabout hipsters in the center, and Dentalwhose characters are gen-z Brooklyite. Gasda tells me that when he read about Open tighteningHe understood this as an opportunity to take the weight price from the young New Yorkers. Altman’s ejection and possible restoration had a certain Shakespearerian Vibe. GASDA’s two-Act plays on the topic contains two separate acting groups, one showing a team of Altman’s character in exile, and the other focused on a plaque-panel of a true Doomer that is seemingly based on AI Theorist Eliezer Yudkowsky and greedy venturous capitalist-like which they realize that their coup is returning. Both groups break through the dangers, promises and morals of Ai as they cope with their distress.

It’s not surprising that they don’t think of anything like a solution. The first act ends with dramatis personation of drinking drinks; In the second act, the characters swallow mushrooms. When I mention Gasda that his characters seem to influence the consequences of the construction of AI, he says it was intentional. “If the play has a message, that’s something like that,” he says. He adds that there is an even darker angle. “There is a lot of proposal to spend the fictional lm time and manipulates the characters. It’s up to the audience to decide if it’s a total hocus or it’s potentially real.”Silashi still running in Brooklyn and Will Open in San Francisco in March)

McNealThe Broadway production with a movie star who has known the character based on Elon Musk is more ambitious work, with a glittering screen that the project is looking for and comes out as if it is Ai the character himself. Downey’s Jacob McNeal, a narcissistic novelist and a substance abuser, who gets Nobel and loses his soul, cheered hooked on perhaps the most dangerous substance than all – a bait of current virtuosity than a large linguistic model.

Both playwrights are worried that they will deeply interpret the writing process. In an interview with Atlantic, Akhtar, the winner of Pulitzer, says he has helped him to write a better game with LLMS. Even the chatgpt literally the last word. “That’s a play about Ai,” he explains. “This is the reason that over the past months I was able to finally be to give me something I could use in the play.” Meanwhile, while Gasda gave dramaturgical merit Chatgpt and Claude in Silashi The program, he cares that Ai will steal his words, guessing to preserve their uniqueness, human writers can return to paper to hide their work from AI companies that are loud content. He had just completed the novel set in 2040 “about the writer who sold all his works to AI and has nothing to do.”

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