Kieran Culkin He discovered his mother Patricia BrentrupA bitter reaction to the Hollywood success of her family.
“My mom spoke when I was a kid,” How come whenever there is a scenario about a dysfunctional family, they always came to us? “” Fun Weekly While walking through the guilds of the red carpet on the red carpet award on Sunday, February 2nd.
Kieran, his older brother Macaulay Culkin44, and their younger brother and sisters Rory Culkin35, were the three most fertile children’s actors in the 1990s, with their father, Kit80, personally managing all three of his careers. Kit and Patricia had a total of seven children, but they were never married.
Thinking about his childhood on SAG AWARD OF THE CURRAGEKieran said his account of family dysfunction in a candidate Real pain reminded him of his own complicated family dynamics.
“What is a functional family?” he joked. “Aren’t everyone (dysfunctional)?”

Patricia Brentrup and Rory Culkin at the World ‘Sign Prime Minister’ ‘characters’ 2002.
Evan agostini/imagedirectKieran’s older brother Macaulay separately separated from his father’s management Kit after his parents separated during his teenage years. A nasty battle for custody followed, where Macaulay sought to block both parents to control his guardian fund.
“It is always misinterpreted that I” emancipated “from my parents,” he said Esquire 2020. “I legally removed my parents’ names from my trust fund and found the executor, someone who would look at my finances, just in case anyone wants to paste Pinkie in the pie. But the next thing you know, the story was that I divorced from my I just thought I was doing it purely – removing my father’s name, removing my mind so that my opinion was impartially. much faster. “
AND I’m home The actor suggested in 2020 that, despite working from an early age and withstanding the messy split of his parents, he could “be worse”.
“I didn’t work at the coal mine. I wasn’t a children’s soldier,” he gave up. “My father did not sexually abuse me. Certain things were happening, but f-u-dried things are constantly happening to the children and do not go out of the other end. I have something to show for it, man. I mean, look at me: I have money, I got fame, got me I’m a beautiful girl and a beautiful animal. Sam.
In December 2024. Kieran laughed at the proposal of family therapy, saying Guard: “Our brothers and sisters are already cooked, we are baked. My godfather has this thing, he goes: ‘I will completely engage in anyone who wants to complain about their upbringing and childhood. I want to hear all about it. And you can completely blame your parents for everything until it is 30, then shorten – out. “He simplifies him, but I like it.”

Kieran Culkin and Macaulay Culkin at the 2005 premiere after Ashley ‘
Bruce Glikas/FilmmagicWhile Culkin Boys’ connection with her father is tense in adulthood, Kieran said last December that he had an immense respect for his mother’s victims.
“If I wanted a light chocolate milk, but my brother wanted more chocolate, and my sister wanted to barely, I would do it in different ways. I love it with -” he said at the time. “How did my mom do that? That. And I have no idea … So, (she dealt with) 15 to 20 children in the house (when friends were done). I can’t believe I got back to the store sometimes three times a day. My mom had to do it on coupons. She would get a cheap liver in key food, two giant gallons of milk, all that. It is enough for me to make them sleep. “
Kieran’s appearance in Real pain was one of the surprised hits during the awards season because he recently won Actors’ Guild Award For a male actor in a side role on Sunday, and previously took home a Golden Globe for the role.
Following the Academy Award on March 2, where Kieran earned his own First nomination for an Oscar In the Best Actor category.