Israel provokes new Syria leaders who have a demilitarization of south

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu requested a complete demilitarization of much of southern Syria.

This is an announcement that could make a conflict between Israel and a new leadership in Syria, after the demolition of President Bashar Al-Assad.

In the speech of Israeli military cadets on Sunday, Netanyahu said that Israel would not allow Hayata to Tahrir Al -shama (HTS) – the Islamist group that led Assad – nor the new Syrian army formed “enter the area south of Damascus” .

“We demand the complete demilitarization of southern Syria in the provinces of Quneitra, Deraa and Suweid from the forces of the new regime,” he added. “Likewise, we will not tolerate any threat to the community of socializing in southern Syria.”

He also said that Israeli forces would remain indefinitely within the Syrian territory that seized from the fall of Assad last December – which would be a shift in the Israeli strategy.

So far, Israel has described his transition to an unwavering demilitarized tampon zone at golan altitudes as a temporary measure to ensure the safety of Israelites on the other side.

The explanation seemed to prevent the extremist groups from crossing the naked in a vacuum of strength.

But with his latest comments, Netanyahu made it clear that he believes that new authorities in Syria – with his background in jihadism, could represent a similar danger.

Israel seized most of the nakeds from Syria during the 1967 war in the Middle East, and was later attached. The move was not recognized internationally, although they did so in 2019.

The new temporary president of Syria, HTS leader Ahmed al-Sharaa, tried to convince Israel that he did not want a conflict and that he was ready to support the long-standing agreement on the exclusion of the two countries concluded after another 1973 war.

He also stressed that he would not allow Syria to be used as a base for attacks against Israel.

But Sharaa also invited Israel to withdraw from the protected protection zone he took, as he tries to claim sovereignty throughout the Syrian -ended landscape.

Clearly, Netanyahu does not believe in these beliefs.

Like most of the international community, the Israeli Prime Minister is waiting to see if Sharaa is well in his moderate, obvious attitude in action as well as words.

From the perspective of the new Syrian leadership, the liberation of the country from the influence of all foreign forces that have joined the position over the long years of civil war are considered vital to ensure a more positive future for the country and the final break with the past.

Some foreign players, such as Iran and Russia, have seen at least a decrease in the superior influence they once had.

Under President Donald Trump, now could also be further separated from Syria-Ulogs, which helped support the forces leading Kurdska in the northeast of the country.

The Turkish increasing impact grew here – which provided key support from HTS in her lightning campaign against Assad.

How big the part he chooses to play can be to be a decisive factor in how Syria develops into a post-and era.

But Israel can represent a more immediate challenge of the independence of the new Syrian leadership.

In order for Israeli troops to breathing more and more on the territory of the Earth – as well as the implementation of numerous blows to the goals associated with what is left of Assad’s military Arsenal – does not correspond to the vision of a repeated, sovereign state to try to convince Syrians both inside and outside the country that his leadership can offer.

Netanyahu’s move to prohibit the Syrian forces to act freely within the borders of the earth may be a step too far for a new row in Damascus to the stomach, as much as the non -confrontation image tried to maintain.

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