Here’s What Would Happen If Asteroid Bennu Hit Earth

September 24, 2182. A relatively large space rock has a 0.037% chance of collapsing to the Earth’s surface. Although the chances of the impact of the thin, Benna is still one of the most unnecessary famous asteroids in our solar system and we must be ready for what could come. First such a study simulated the damage to the whole planet that Bennu’s unlikely impact would cause, which led to the sudden onset of the winter and global food shortages.

A group of researchers based in South Korea pulled out scenarios that indicated that the influence of Central asteroids like Bennu on our planet on our planet. The team revealed that such an impact would cause huge disorders that could last up to three or four years. The most intense scenario describes a team, several hundred million tonnes of dust would significantly reduce the sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface, causing temperatures to decline around the world and affect the plants to grow on Earth. Researchers have published their own studywhich is the first to model the Earth’s climate after the influence of asteroids, Progress of science.

Benn is a relatively small asteroid near the country that goes near Earth every six years. Scientists believe that the space rock may have broken up from the much larger asteroids rich in carbon about 700 million to 2 billion years ago and gradually turned closer to Earth. Asteroid was the subject of a historical nas of the mission, Osiris-Rex, which In October 2020. Inserted a piece of bennu and rejected him to the ground in September 2023. Mission allowed scientists to examine the ancient rock up close, revealing that Benna contains some of the key construction blocks of life.

Benn’s influence would be very destructive, but the country saw worse. About 66 million years ago, an asteroid that was about 6 miles (over 10 kilometers) hit the ground, Killing most its early inhabitants, including dinosaurs. Compared to Bennu, which is about 0.3 miles (0.5 km), the asteroid killing the dinosaur was massive. Medium -sized asteroids like Benna are more common in the solar system.

Graphics that shows damage caused by asteroids of different sizes.
Graphics that shows damage caused by asteroids of different sizes. Graphics: NASA

“On average, medium-sized asteroids collide with Earth every 100-200 thousand years,” ” Axel Timmermann, Director of the IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP) at the National University of South Korea and the study co-author, said in a statement by email. “This means that our early human ancestors may have experienced some of these events that change planets before, with potential influences on human evolution, and even our own genetic composition. “

To determine the influence of Benn that he is hitting our planet for 157 years, the authors of the Study have modeled the idealized scenario of medium-sized asteroid collision on Earth-which is used here as a statistical term, because the script is obviously very far from the ideal.

The collision would install 100 to 400 million tons of dust into the upper atmosphere, the team concluded, influencing the global climate, atmospheric chemistry and photosynthesis of earth plants, as well as Plankton in the Ocean.

The most dramatic outcome of an asteroid collision similar to Bennu would be a voluminous amount of dust that would darken the atmosphere, resulting in Darkening of light from the sun. (Different team Pose a similar scenario The consequences of the influence of the Chicxulub asteroid that condemned Dinosaurs.)

Sun dimming could cause global surface cooling up to 7 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius’ degrees), 15% of rain falling and heavy exhaustion of an ozone layer by about 32%, the research said.

“T.A sudden influence, winter would provide adverse climate conditions for plants growth, which led to a initial decrease in photosynthesis of 20-30% in earthly and marine ecosystems, “said LAN DAI, researcher at the ICCP -U -leading author of the study, said UA statement . “This would probably cause huge disorders in global food safety.”

Still, not all the bad news. Under the surface of the ocean, iron from the asteroid could explode into the stratosphere after the impact and place in parts of the Earth’s ocean, which launched unprecedented flowers of algae rich silicate. Plankton in the Ocean would also recover about six months after a collision, unlike two to three years for earthly plants, and growth rates would increase to higher levels from before the influence of asteroids, according to the study.

“We were able to monitor this unexpected response to iron concentration in dust,” Timmermann said. “Simulated excessive flowering phytoplacton and zooplankton could be a blessing for the biosphere and can help alleviate the insecurity of food associated with a long -term reduction of earthly productivity.”

Excavation from the dimorphos about the day after the impact.
Excavation from the dimorphos about the day after the impact. Picture: Nasa, Esa, Stsci, J. Li (dogs)

As a little probably the influence of Bennu, researchers are determined to firmly put the Earth’s fate in Earthlinges’ hands. Nasa -na successful Double asteroid redirection test (DART) In September 2022, he proved the ability of humanity to change the trajectory of asteroids, an immensely important step in proving our ability to defend the planet from rocky interlopers from space.

And in addition, there are more immediate fish. Recently discovered asteroid 2024 YR4 There is 1.9% chance (odds 1-in 53) influence on Earth in 2032. We hope that the simulations of the recent team never come-but thanks to happiness, but the ingenuity and determination of humanity faced with the usual threat.

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