The first season of Star Wars: Skeleton Crew ended with hope, but not particularly clean. As the credits rolled for what we hope isn’t the last we see of Wim, Fern, Neel and KB, we were left satisfied with where the story went, but also left scratching our heads a lot of things. Below you can read all the questions we have after that Star Wars: Skeleton Crew the first season and what we think of each of them.
Will there be a second season?
If the answer to this question is “yes”, it basically negates everything that comes after, so let’s deal with this question first. According to the creators and hosts of the show this week onlythere is no official information about the second season yet Skeleton Crew. It is said that the viewership was sometimes less than Acolyte (which was cancelled), so it doesn’t bode well. However, the showrunners also said that ratings for each episode continued to increase. We also don’t know how much it costs compared to Acolyteand the overall vibrations that surround it Skeleton Crew are much more positive than they were for Acolyte. We don’t know for sure if a second season will happen, but we hope so.
How is it Onyx Cinderella be buried at At Attin at all?
An encouraging incident for all Skeleton Crew is for the kids to find a spaceship hidden underground on Attin. That ship, Onyx Cinderellait is later revealed to be an Attin-built spaceship owned by pirate legend Tak Rennod. Which is all well and good, but how did it end up underground? Did Tak hide it for some reason? Did it all happen so long ago that the environment just naturally grew over it? Anyway, it’s a little weird.

What’s next for Jod Na Nawood?
The last time we see Jod, he is watching his pirate ship go up in flames with a faint smile on his face. We don’t know what he’s thinking about, nor do we know where he’s headed next. Clearly, the people of Attin wouldn’t want him there, but without a ship, he’d probably have trouble leaving the planet. Could he still be thinking about stealing the gold in the vaults from 1139? That seems likely. Or maybe he sneaks out and gets a new pirate crew. This is one of those questions that won’t be answered until season two happens.
Which Jedi trained Joda?
One of the biggest revelations in the final Skeleton Crew is that Jod can use the Force because he was found and trained by a Jedi when he was a child. However, she was then hunted down and killed in front of him—presumably as part of Order 66. This raises several questions, both about the timing of Jod’s training and, most importantly, the identity of this Jedi. The only clue we have is that the Jedi was equally hungry and poor, which leads us to believe that the person ran away when Order 66 first happened, went into hiding, and was then found when she began training Joda. Luckily, it’s all something we might see in a flashback if the show returns for a second season.

What happened to all those aliases?
Captain Silvo, Crimson Jack, Dash Zentin, Professor Umiam Gorelox, Jodwick Zank, Republic Envoy. Those are just some of the names people know Joda by, if that’s even his real name. But after an entire season filled with very concretely letting it be known that a character is known by different names to different people, it never really paid off. Sure, he’s a pirate trying to be sneaky, but is that enough? Perhaps.
How did this adventure change the children?
When Skeleton Crew It started, there was no way that Fern and KB, and definitely not Neel or Wim, wouldn’t fall out of favor in the final to save Attin. In this way, their adventures have certainly changed them as people. But we still wonder how it manifests beyond that. Are they still attached to work on “The Great Work”? (More on that in a few.) Will Wim really be able to realize his interest in joining the New Republic? With the series ending where it is, we’ve never seen major examples of how the characters have changed. It could be as simple as something like…
Did Neel finally talk to Roona?
A wonderful moment at the beginning of the series is the revelation that Neel is in love with his colleague Roona. Now that he’s saved the entire planet, you have to imagine Neel would have the confidence to go up there and talk to her. Considering Skeleton Crew is so inspired by 1980s movies, it would be very appropriate for the shy guy to go after his crush after winning. So we like to think it is, but we’ve never seen it.

Who was on the New Republic ship that arrived?
At the very end Skeleton Crewwe see the CR90 Corvette arrive at Attin. This ship — of which he is the most famous Tantiv IV from A new hope—is one used by many powerful people in the New Republic. And you’d assume that someone important would go explore a mysterious planet that had disappeared for generations and just magically reappeared. Could it have been Ackbar? Hold? Leia? Han? We’ll never know, but for a moment we thought we might.
What does the future hold for Attin?
All the time Skeleton Crewit was clear that Attin was hidden from the rest of the galaxy for a very good reason. Later we found out the reason: it is the last place where there is a mint for making credits of the Old Republic. That secrecy is gone now, and the consequences have countless possibilities. In fact, let’s break them down into a whole new tangent of questions.

Will the population be okay with what happened?
The decision to get rid of the barrier that kept Attin isolated from the rest of the galaxy is a pretty big deal. One made by basically four kids and a few of their parents. Of course, Fern’s mom Fara was part of the government, but one would imagine that the population of the entire planet would have something to say – both positive and negative – about such a huge decision that was made so recklessly. On the other hand…
How will the galaxy feel in Attin?
Skeleton Crew clarified that there is a special mythology around Attin. A lot of people have heard of it, but no one thinks it exists. Well, now, anyone can find it. Does this mean that people will show up looking for the treasure that Jod discovered? Will people be angry that the planet has been hidden for so long? This seems like a big deal to us.
Who knew what on Attin?
It’s clear that the secrets of Attin are deeper than just “We make money here.” Fara knew that the droid was taking care of it. There was a whole protocol for moving credits. Children are brought up to work only in service. We are still incredibly curious to know what and how deep it all goes? Again, this is one of those things that will definitely be explored more in future seasons.

Is there anything left of the Great Work?
Is it really that “great” to just earn and store a bunch of money? Is the bank “great?” For someone like Jod, it is, but you have to assume that the people of Attin, and especially whoever founded it, felt that the money was being made for some greater purpose. There must be a reason why this work is so great. And we still don’t know what it is.
Can the New Republic use gold?
One potential result Skeleton Crew the first season is that the New Republic is now flush with money. It’s clear that they’re believed to be the good guys (which is a whole other argument considering it’s just the Galactic Republic again), and peace doesn’t come cheap. Can Attin finance the ongoing security of the galaxy? Would New Republic make it easier? How? And, wouldn’t that make Attin just a target for the powerful military minds of the time like Grand Admiral Thrawn? As we said, there are a lot of questions.
How will Attin work without a supervisor?
With the supervisor of At Attin now gone, who will take over? Clearly it had to be someone who knew all the secrets of the planet – but since it was an immortal droid running things, maybe no one knew everything. This could lead to a strange, messy transition. Again, just something we’d like to see explored in the future.
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