Trump’s administration is abolished by a Directive from the Biden Era that protects hospitals from investigations and signaled that protection for medical whistles will be enhanced.
AND Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Announced on Friday that there will be the abolition of the executive command issued in March 2022 by former President Joe Biden, who, among other things, gave hospitals the right not to fulfill the state -level investigation associated with their provision of transgender medical treatments for minors.
“Under the Biden regime, the doors for the whistleblowers were closed,” said Dr. Eithan Haim, who was prosecuted by the biden administration after leaking out documents in the media that discovered that the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston performed transgender medical procedures on juveniles, even after he said he had stopped. “It was a complete inversion of the role of HHS, the role of our legal framework, because criminal entities were protected, and individuals who exhibited the criminal entities were now targeted.”
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Dr. Phil spoke with more whistleblowers who sounded an alarm because of the impact of transgender procedures on young people.
Last year, Haim accused Biden’s Ministry of Justice of blowing a whistle at the Texas Children’s Hospital, after continuing to provide transgender medical treatments for minors, although the hospital publicly indicated that it had stopped such services to fulfill new state guidelines. A few days after President Donald Trump swore, charges against Haim were dismissed.
Under Biden’s In March 2022, the Directive entitled, “The HHS Inspection of Sex, Civic Rights and Privacy of Patients” were allowed, the hospitals were allowed but not needed, to adhere to an investigation seeking information about their provision of transgender treatments. But according to the notice of rejection of HHS, such guidelines lacked “the appropriate legal basis under the Federal Privacy Laws”. The notice added that “according to its own conditions” Biden’s Directive on March 2022 “permits” the publication of personal health data related to transgender procedures when needed in accordance with other laws.
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“Covered subjects should no longer rely on the abolished notice and instructions 2022 OCR,” said the HHS notice. He added that “in counseling with Chief Lawyer” Agency will also be “accelerated” by issuing new guidelines for the protection of whistleblowers that take measures in accordance with Trump’s efforts to protect children “chemical and surgical hidden”.
Haim said he was under Trump’s new leadership, now legal system He returns “to the place of equal protection under the law, especially since it refers to people trying to follow (Trump’s) executive order or any other federal law.”
“The key thing with this new directive is that as a health care provider, if a hospital or other doctors participate in incomplete behavior, if they lie about something, if intervening in patients in a way that is harmful to these patients – especially children – as a doctor Just something you should do, but something you have to do, “Haim said.

(Eithan Haim)
In addition to convincing Hospitals and sex clinics In order to start strict compliance with investigations, the Directive of Trump’s Administration also removed his gender dysphoria to be considered disability under the Federal Law on Rehabilitation and the Law on Americans with Disabilities. He also abolished biden administration commands indicating that the discrimination of health programs funded by the ally refuses to treat someone on the basis of their gender identity.
Fox News Digital reached for HHS for a comment, but did not receive an answer according to the time of post.