Southern Hospitality Emmy is ‘110 percent’ sure Will didn’t cheat

southern hospitality star Emmy Sharrett she intends to marry her boyfriend Will Kulp — despite rumors that he was unfaithful while in law school.

“Will has been faithful to me 110 percent,” Emmy, 26, exclusively said Us Weekly on Wednesday January 15, later adding: “I don’t believe it Will cheated on me for even one second.”

The reality star dismissed the “story” that she’s “so committed to being a lawyer’s wife that I don’t care if Will cheats on me,” claiming that it would be if he stepped on her the end of their relationship.

“I would have dumped Will in two seconds if he had cheated on me, bye. I will not be slighted,” Emmy declared. “Do it once, I’ll warn you. Do that again, I’ll break up with you and I won’t look back. And that’s how I’ve always been.”

Southern Hospitality's Emmy Sharrett says she's 110 percent sure Kulp didn't cheat

Emmy Sharrett and Will Kulp Charles Sykes/Bravo

She noted that thanks to her parents’ “beautiful marriage” she has “very high standards” and is ready to walk away from Will if he doesn’t meet them.

Emmy also pointed out that since Will is in his second year of law school, he has “tens of hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt” and she is now “the breadwinner.”

During season 3 southern hospitality trailerwhich dropped in November 2024, Will was accused of sleeping with “more people” during her first year of law school while Emmy was in Charleston.

As the season progressed, almost all of Emmy’s and Will’s friends claimed that Will drunkenly insulted his girlfriend. He reportedly told people at Republic that Emmy was no longer “fun” because she had stopped drinking and was making more rude comments.

“I already knew what Will had done, and I don’t think people knew I knew because I never talked to my friends about it,” Emmy said. Our Will’s comment behind her back. “A lot of it is also exaggerated, as you can imagine.”

Emmy claimed that Will was “stressed out” ahead of the exam, when he said she allegedly lacked willpower and condemned her body transformation. Will also broke his ankle and just had surgery, according to the VIP server.

Southern Hospitality's Emmy Sharrett says she's 110 percent sure Kulp didn't cheat
Bryan Steffy/Bravo

“You lash out at the people closest to you and say things you don’t mean because you’re avoiding the reality of what’s really causing you pain in your life, which for him at the time was law school,” Emmy said. . “Will and I had our own conversation about it where he was incredibly apologetic and embarrassed and knew it was inappropriate.”

She was adamant that what viewers will see Will say on the show will be “not so crazy and so bad” as it was in real time.

“If Will had lived a happy, luxurious life where he was a bachelor, making all this money and not struggling with his mental health, struggling with law school, not being well (and) in chronic pain — if he was in good place and this happened (it would be) a different story,” Emmy explained. “But the context (of it) — (I just) nursed Will for weeks and I know exactly what he was going through and his mental state. So I have a lot of understanding and empathy for that.”

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Related: ‘Southern Hospitality’ Premiere: Where Are Emmy and Will, More Couples?

Courtesy of Emma Sharrett/Instagram. The cast of Southern Hospitality was hot during the Season 3 premiere — and not everyone was talking. “He’s gonna fuck you!” TJ Dinch warned Emmy Sharrett during the first few minutes of the premiere on Thursday, January 2, after several of their cast members claimed that her boyfriend, (…)

She added: “Do I forgive it? Not. Was it unacceptable? That. But nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes.”

Emmy noted that she had overlooked Will’s harsh words, and they were well-placed. In fact, she’s ready to walk down the aisle whenever he pops the question.

“Will has a three-year plan because he’s in school, so it only makes sense to make a plan based on that as far as our relationship goes,” she said. Oursaying that “realistically this would be the year he would propose”.

Emmy said that since Will is taking a short break after graduating law school in 2026 and taking up the bar that summer, getting married before the end of 2026 sounds perfect.

“Probably in the summer (or) fall of 2026, we will probably have a wedding. It just makes sense,” she said. “We dated for three years, so in October it will be four years. So it’s long. So this is not out of the blue madness.”

Emmy teased that she is expecting a ring “by the end of this year.” “That would make the most sense, but I always say it’s between Will and my dad,” she concluded, noting, “Plans always change.”

southern hospitality airs on Bravo Thursdays at 9pm ET.

Christina Garibaldi reports

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